| | we’ve got H E A R T | |

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He shall direct your paths.”

Here at Heart of the Matter, we like to get down to (yep, you guessed it) the very heart of the matter.

Cliche? Slightly.

But what’s the message?

The Bible urges believers to trust in the Lord with their whole hearts–to lean upon His goodness and  grace to direct them through the murky unknowns of (the ever-so-chaotic) challenges of 21st-century life. As Christians, we ought to place every ounce of our lives–our worries, our plans, and our needs–in the tender Hands of an all-knowing Master, as Proverbs 3:5 encourages.

I pray that we never lose sight of this verse, as we learn to cherish it with both reverence and care . . . and live it out, each and every day.

And that’s how Heart of the Matter received its name.

With love,


A B O U T M E :

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H E Y !

I’m Delaney Johnston, a twenty-one-year-old writer and photographer. My passions include traveling, writing, and photography. When found not doing either of the above, I will more than likely be watching a 1940’s motion picture, thrift-shopping, or doing something Christmas-related. I like to explore new places, try new things, and meet new people (even though I’m an undeniable introvert). Coffee shops and libraries are my hangs, and I love antiques, old films, and dusty books. I’m perpetually in awe of the goodness of my Savior and seek to glorify Him using this platform. Here, I aspire to be your virtual best friend, talking about topics that matter to people who matter . . . from my heart to yours.

With love,


Let’s chat!

Shoot me an email!

| | my word. | |

Release + Hope—these are my words for 2021. ⁣After vacillating back and forth between the two, I realized that it would be difficult— nearly impossible—to separate my surrender from the foundational hope that promotes it. The two go hand-in-hand. So this year, instead of one word, I have two.  ——————– Here’s what I mean: ⁣Only when there’s …